Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Business Research for Joy and

Question: Discuss about theBusiness Research for Joy and Satisfaction. Answer: Self-Reflection The completion of the assignments provided me with a great amount of joy and satisfaction, as I have the opportunity to learn about several things in the field of advantages and disadvantages of cloud computing. At the initial stage, it was quite difficult for me to grab the concept related to cloud computing and apply them to the assignments. In addition, I must mention that weekly learning activities helped me to break down the projects and lead towards the destination. Evaluating the effectiveness and usefulness of the learning experience The learning experience in terms of the projects has been effective, as I have learnt about some significant factors related to cloud computing such as the maintenance of the security, the implementation of PaaS software, each of data storing and many more. My opinion in this context is, such experience might help me in future project or to a real world context. I could use this experience in my next course project. Initially, I faced several challenges in collecting data related to cloud computing. This means initially, due to lack of experience, I could not judge the relevancy of data. There were many tiny facts related to cloud computing. Moreover, I was confused with the disadvantages of cloud computing because the organizations in the recent time have increasingly been implementing cloud-computing software in their system. In fact, the small and the medium size organizations even have started implementing cloud-computing software in their operation. Therefore, finding the disadv antages of cloud computing was challenging for me. However, weekly learning notes helped me to categorize the data in terms of advantages and disadvantages. The overall experience has been valuable for me because I have boosted up my experience in a new field. Moreover, the experience is valuable because I could use this experience in future when I would start working in an organization where cloud-computing software might be installed. This theoretical experience might help me to understand the use of cloud-computing software in organizational operation. Explaining how these learning experiences will be relevant to me The experience that I have gained from the project would certainly help in my course project. I have learned the techniques of collecting data, linking the data with other studies. I have learnt how critical analysis can be conducted with considering the facts given in the existing studies. Thus, in my course project, if I am required to conduct another research, I could apply this data collection technique, sampling methods and deriving the findings. In addition to this, in my next course program, I could use this experience to complete the project more effectively. Each aspect, I learnt in the course project will help me to design and develop the project. The experience will help me to generate appropriate findings from the projects. In addition to this, the experience gained from the projects will certainly help me to boost up my career. For example, if I start working in an organization where, I may have to conduct a market research, in such context, I could use the experience th at I have gained from the project. Moreover, if I need to use cloud-computing software to collect and store data, I may apply the experience that I have derived from the project. However, one thing I must say that the techniques of conducting the business research remains always relevant to me. Throughout the enhancement of my career, I could apply the techniques of preparing audit for the company, preparing financial results, conducting internal and external research. I could also apply this experience in general as well. For example, if my friends are in trouble with data collection or selection of research methodology. I could help them out by guiding them throughout the work. On the other side, the completion of the project increased my ability of searching the facts with the keywords. Thus, whenever I need to search anything on the search engine, I could put the relevant keywords for an expected result. Describing objectively what happened in the learning process The learning process was certainly effective as it provide many opportunities for judging things from several perspectives. At the initial stage, the learning was difficult, as I could not understand how I would proceed with the context. I collected several sources of data, some of them were relevant, and some were not. Yet, I could not gather the courage of applying them to the context until I attended the weekly lecture sessions. I observed that in order to avoid the delay or any flaws in the research, I should go with what instruction provided in the lecture notes. I received the lecture notes and read them completely. Obviously, the class notes helped me a lot to lead the project towards the appropriate direction. Each and every step related to the implementation of the research was relevant and useful enough to facilitate the ways of conducting the study. During the progress of the course project, I observed my colleagues losing confidence about the work, which also affected me to some extent. Nonetheless, wide reading sources and the lecture notes have helped to get rid of such trouble. With the help of such learning materials, I led the project towards the end. Evaluating what I learn If I look at my project, I see several things that I have learnt; firstly, I have gained experiences about the selection of the topic. This means, now I have learnt how to select a relevant and significant topic that the relationship with the current affairs. In my business research project, I have made the observation that due to the ease of storing data and specifying the access point the organizations keep their valuable data in cloud. Hence, while observing, I have avoided the fact of data security and cost associated with the cloud computing. I have excluded this fact from the observation because the organizations in the recent time are not worried about the cost and security, as they know they can fix it up. Moreover, compared to disadvantages, the organizations have gained a large amount of profits from the cloud computing software. Nevertheless, I should have paid an equal attention to the disadvantages associated with cloud computing. Evaluating my learning process I must say that the completion of the assignment helped me to form new ideas and understanding. I predict that in the coming days, cloud-computing technology will gain more popularity due to the rapid acceptance of the business organizations both in private and public organization. I feel that despite the disadvantages associated with the cloud computing technology, small and medium size organizations are adopting such technology to reduce time required and cost of labor in following the traditional paper methods. Explaining how these things will be applied This learning experience will help me in many contexts in future. During my course learning, if I have the opportunity of conducting a business research on another context, I could implement the methods that I have applied to the current project. Likewise, in my profession, if I have to deal with a live business research project, I would use the experience of collecting the data and presenting a critical analysis.

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